
Archive for June 25th, 2008


I had a GREAT time visiting family and friends in Missouri.  It was *so* good to spend that time in my hometown, and it’s always even better to return to the D, and snuggle back into my cozy little life here. Pictures of the nephews and niece will come shortly…when I have a spare second!

It’s confession time.  I am deeply entrenched in reading a series of books that I’m embarrassed to confess I love.  The Twilight series is ridiculously basic reading.   And I LOVE the books.  I’ve finished the first two: Twilight and New Moon (started and finished yesterday!!!), and now you can bet I’ll be at the store picking up Eclipse tonight.  I was super embarrassed at first that I was so into a vampire novel, but now I’m all “whatever” and keep on reading.  I am so into this series, I’m seriously disappointed when I stop reading for a second and realize, “oh wait, this is just a book…and I have a life.”  I also realize that I’m 27 and desperately want to know I’m not the only woman in her 20’s reading these books and enjoying them.  Did I mention they are making or have already made a twilight movie that’s coming out in december?  Click here to see all the goth romanticalness.  Please, someone join in with me and read these mindless vampire romances with me.  Yeah, I know.  shut up.

Oh!  Also!  I hit a big number this weekend.  75 pounds lost total since January.  WOOT!  I’m so pleased!  I really didn’t conceptualize that I would have lost this much so soon, but I feel fantastic.  I hope (crosses fingers) that I can hit 100 pounds lost by the end of this summer.  That would be a surreal and fabulous dream come true.  I have no idea if I’ll actually comprehend what a feat this was/is.  I would love to say I’m going to celebrate and do something wonderful and fabulous, but mostly I think i’ll just keep my head down, my eyes focused and keep pressing on towards my goals.

Well, not much depth to my writing today.  I could have made each of these topics a long post, but I’m scattered in the brain, with work to catch up on, cleaning to catch up on, Vampire novels to read, and weight to keep losin’.

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